gen. |
primanje; prijem; prijatan susret (i fig); službeno primanje; doček; dočekivanje; veče primanja |
law |
audijencija; prihvat; prihvatanje; recepcija; zabava (lat. receptio) |
pošte, dokumenta, robe reception [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)n] n | |
econ. |
prijem |
law |
prijemna kancelarija; prijemni šalter; svečani prijem; svečano primanje |
English thesaurus |
abbr., met. |
rcpn |
All ground arrangements connected with the delivery and disposition of air or sea drops; Arrangements to welcome and provide secure quarters or transportation for defectors, escapees, evaders, or incoming agents; The process of receiving, off-loading, marshalling, accounting for, and transporting of personnel, equipment, and materiel from the strategic and/or intratheater deployment phase to a sea, air, or surface transportation point of debarkation to the marshalling area (JP 3-35) |